DH #3069 JCM#373
Posts: 1,273
Post by Rhapsody on May 25, 2009 10:25:13 GMT -5
Thanks for the muffins and the Memorial Day reminder RR.My #1 son is walking in his first Memorial Day Parade this moring since Cub Scouts. He is representing his Fire Dept. The rest of the family is hard at work finishing up the job of opening the pool! Whooop!Right now I'm going to grab my text book and go study at the beach. School tomorrow night...Yikes! Wishing everyone a safe Memorial Day.
Post by Rereader on May 25, 2009 13:31:59 GMT -5
OTR--beach. I miss the beach. When I was a child (until I was 11), we used to go to Far Rockaway for the summers, and I REALLY loved it.
Post by dream*girl on May 25, 2009 13:39:36 GMT -5
hi guys i used to be in JMP, when we were on ddb
Post by 14kimi on May 25, 2009 22:00:59 GMT -5
HI!!! Dream*girl.
Post by rosequeen49 on May 25, 2009 22:16:45 GMT -5
Hi dreamgirl - glad you found us, it's usually pretty quiet here on the weekends. Pull up an ocean view and enjoy the tide. Dinner is on the grill.
As a matter of principle, I never attend the first annual anything...George Carlin[N4:###]
Posts: 1,257
Post by deborah77 on May 26, 2009 5:00:30 GMT -5
hi guys i used to be in JMP, when we were on ddb Hi Dreamgirl and Welcome back!!
DH #3069 JCM#373
Posts: 1,273
Post by Rhapsody on May 26, 2009 6:25:11 GMT -5
hi guys i used to be in JMP, when we were on ddb #welcome# DreamgirlThere is plenty of room at our beach house.
Post by mamaoffour on May 26, 2009 7:53:00 GMT -5
Goodmorning all. I found you. We got back from Disney on Sunday. I am going to attempt to post a picture. We had a good time even though Eeyores cloud parked itself over Florida for a week. I will be back with a picture or two.
I'd rather be at the beach!
Posts: 1,053
Post by crazymom on May 26, 2009 10:49:47 GMT -5
Hello dwellers in paradise......
Quickly......We've been moving #3 son in RL from an old, old, old house (YEA!) to an almost new (YEA!) 2nd story (BOO) apartment. Now off to shop with him for the needed supplies.
Let me just say that moving to our new home here at JCM was much easier and a lot more fun. No beach at his new apartment, just lots of concrete parking and it got into the 90's here yesterday. And of course the lugging up the stairs took place between 3 & 7. I had said I would not lug, just pack but you know I can't even count how many trips I made up and down those stairs and of course the stairs were outside (just so you get the picture). I was very much a mess by the end of the evening. Where the thin layer of grit, that covered my body came from, I'll never know but I felt like I had played in the sand. JUST GROSS!
So much for my being quick here. I'll respond to you all in the future. Just wanted you to know that I'd rather be here relaxing in that beach chair.
Happy Belated Birthday, Deb......I'll celebrate later when I can bring you a goodie or two. Sorry........ #thblissysmile#
Post by rosequeen49 on May 26, 2009 12:08:44 GMT -5
Looks like RL is keeping us all busy - when I look at the calendar I wanna freak... the wedding is in like 10 days! My co-workers were laughing at me this morning seeing me flip out about a favor coming apart or something. Ha Ha NOT FUNNY! Wedding are way high stress!
Did I tell you I really am going to the beach after the wedding? Taking my mom and my princess!
mamaoffour - your babies are beautiful! Enjoy them NOW, soon they will be teenagers and you will love them, but maybe not like them so much. lol
Post by dream*girl on May 26, 2009 14:17:50 GMT -5
hi again everyone i hate this time difference... being 7 hours ahead is not that cool! 14kimi - hello rosequeen49 - thank you for the welcome! And for the delicious dinner deborah77 - thank you OTRainbow - thank you and awesome house mamaoffour - aw, they're adorable
Post by rosequeen49 on May 26, 2009 14:26:42 GMT -5
dreangirl - where are you that's 7 hours ahead and can you tell me the winning lottery numbers 7 hours early please?
Did you get all caught up and watch all the date nights? Suddenly Oct. sounds far away but I'm thinking we will have a single in July.... or at least I'm hoping!
Post by dream*girl on May 26, 2009 14:35:41 GMT -5
i'm in portugal i would totally give you the numbers yes, i watched all date nights... i also read that one of his songs was available in itunes, but only for US I hope too, i'm so excited for him
Post by mamaoffour on May 26, 2009 14:43:30 GMT -5
i'm in portugal i would totally give you the numbers yes, i watched all date nights... i also read that one of his songs was available in itunes, but only for US I hope too, i'm so excited for him Welcome dream girl. I read the itunes thing earlier today. Someone posted it on his facebook page. I looked on itunes, the only thing there is a video from texas a&m "the big event". Other than that I did not see any songs. If anyone knows different, please let me know.
JCM#231, DH#3017, Bus#61 - SUE[N4:###]
Posts: 312
Post by floridamom on May 26, 2009 14:50:09 GMT -5
Welcome, dream*girl! I must say that I saw Jason in the Gilligan's Island picture and I seriously felt the need to be there. Maybe you could photoshop me in too? Mamaoffour, the pictures of your children are so cute!
DH #3069 JCM#373
Posts: 1,273
Post by Rhapsody on May 26, 2009 15:12:02 GMT -5
Good Afternoon JMPers
dream*girl- Portugal ...? that sounds exciting have you lived there all your life? Yayee! Jason has fans all over the world.
Mama- we missed you and it's great you are home safe. How was that car ride! #pullhair# Love the Disney pictures what a great lookin crew you have there. Is that the cheerleader to be I see with Snow White???
Crazymom- do you find you are still doing everything for everyone? Boy my mom got off easy. I moved out and that was that for her. She did visit but no shopping involved.
The other day I rewatched the finale did anyone else see Jason? I caught just a glimps for a second and I was screaming. ;D I had missed him the first time watching.
Post by dream*girl on May 26, 2009 17:46:46 GMT -5
Goodnight JMPers (its almost midnight here)mamaoffour - thanks that's really what i wanted to know, because i read something about people outside US not being able to download the song and i don't know what song is... floridamom - thanks for welcome OTRainbow - yeah, i was born here i'm thinking about studying abroad for a year, but i still don't know if i'm going or not! yeah, he really has fans all over the world... actually i found here another portuguese fan i'm off to bed... i have classes tomorrow ... so godnight ;D
Post by Rereader on May 26, 2009 22:04:17 GMT -5
I'll have to go back and read what was written in the last two days later--maybe tomorrow!--but I wanted to zoom through and say good night!!
First--I went to the doctor today because some of the ligaments (and a few tendons) in my hands have gotten too long--I am very flexible and double jointed--and that means some of my fingers, mostly my right thumb, are misaligned. This is not attractive (who cares) and made it difficult to do some things (i.e. I had to stop playing guitar altogether, hard to open jars), but only started causing significant pain in the last year or so. So I finally went to a specialist today, who told me what a different doctor told me 10 years ago--I can try a splint (which I am trying now) or I can have surgery to fuse the bones. I can tell he thinks surgery is more likely, but I'm trying first a soft splint and then will try a custom splint, because I have a goal to have NO surgery in my life if possible! So we shall see.
Anyway, to top off the fact that I lost 5 hours today sitting around in the doctor's office, I also accepted another RUSH job... so I now have three jobs to do in the time that I would normally do ONE #1087# !!!! And I am totally exhausted #smiley-yawn# and will see you all in the morning... let's see, pillow? Check. Blankie? Check. #offtobed# Good night, lovely ladies!!
Post by Rereader on May 26, 2009 22:05:12 GMT -5
hi guys i used to be in JMP, when we were on ddb Oh, hi, Dreamgirl! Welcome to our new home!
DH #3069 JCM#373
Posts: 1,273
Post by Rhapsody on May 27, 2009 6:12:09 GMT -5
Good Morning All!and it's dreary one here in the NE. craymom- did you get any of that rain yesterday? The baseball game ( Rangers / Yankees) was delayed of over 2 hours. So I was hoping you were getting some of that good stuff over by you. I came home from school last night and it the game hadn't even started. Yikes! RR- sorry to hear about your hands. That is not good news for anyone but you are an artist so I do hope that all works out and soon. How does this affect your martial arts? I will make some breakfast this morning Sounds like you have you have lots of work to do. Come and eat there is plenty!